Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle (CCIV)
What is a CCIV?
Australia has introduced a type of investment vehicle known as the "Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle (CCIV)" as part of its efforts to position the country as a leading destination for international investment.
The CCIV is a company and not a trust and offers benefits to both Australian and international investors. The CCIV is designed to operate as an ‘umbrella vehicle’ with all fund assets and liabilities allocated to the appropriate sub-fund(s).
The Structure
The CCIV structure has an AFS licensee as the sole director (corporate director) of the CCIV company. A CCIV can issue multiple share types and classes of shares.
Each sub-fund of a CCIV is a distinct, segregated, protected and separately regulated part of a CCIV and each sub-trust is registered with ASIC and is identified by a unique ARFN.
A CCIV sub-fund can invest in other CCIV sub-funds.
CCIV’s also benefit from the ‘pass through’ tax treatment as in the same way as a managed investment trust.
Contact us if you want to know more about CCIV’s.